Here's another image from the set I did for "The Evil Ruins," a game from Mayfair Games. This was an end-piece and had no characters in it, but you can see faces in the rocks and cliff if you look hard enough. I enjoyed doing this set with its late 19th century retro style and intimations of horror. Someone has recently asked me whether I've ever done any horror art. I think I have but not any time since the 1880s. Yes, 1880s. Maybe it's time for me to try some. Not yet as I am working on Stasheff number 6 as well as my psychedelic sequence on the text of Keith Barnard. Stay tuned, it's not all old art from me here.
"Cliff Faces" from THE EVIL RUINS game is ink on illustration board, 3" x 10", fall 1983. Click for closer view. What happens when I run out of gigabyte storage at Blogspot?
I love this piece. From a gaming standpoint, it begs to be explored.