Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Urban Patio

My neighbors across the parking lot have built themselves a little patio in front of their ground floor window. It is shaded by a green garden umbrella and is walled by a wooden fence built out of old pallets. There are chairs and a dining table and some lanterns which shine brightly at night. There are also decorations of Christmas lights which are on all year, not just the holidays. More privacy is provided by a raggedy hedge and in front of that, a garden row of black-eyed susans and other decorative plants. In warmer weather this large Filipino family grills meats outside near the patio and they dine on tempting goodies. All of these improvements to the environment are technically forbidden by the management of the apartment complex but no one has ordered the patio removed just yet. These are the people who own the "Wrapped Thing," a metal-grinder by the wall which is slowly losing its black plastic wrap.

I drew the patio in a rather uncomfortable position sitting in my parked car, and I apologize for perspective mistakes. But there you are, fresh on-site-drawn sketch art.

Black tech pen ink on sketchbook page, some touch-up in Photoshop, 5" x 5", April 17, 2017.

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