Sunday, April 9, 2017

Winding Road line drawing

Where else on "Wine Saturday" than standing at the tasting bar in spring sunlight. This is my "base of operations," Winding Road, run by the congenial Scott and Linda Culver. The tree flowers are opening and the grass is turning that brilliant shade of green that only happens in spring. That's the green which you can accurately depict using the kids' marker color or crayon that's named "Grass Green." The vines haven't sprouted their new "Vine Green" foliage yet but that will arrive soon. 

The Culvers gave me a tasting of a very small-edition, exclusive Merlot which had been waiting nine years for maturity: a 2008 Merlot which in its mellowness and beautiful red color
("Cherry Red" crayon) is easily the best wine I've ever tasted at Winding Road. I am privileged to have purchased one bottle of this which I will reverently consume at some happy occasion.

Black tech pen ink on sketchbook page, 5" x 5 1/2", April 8, 2017.

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