Some of the art portfolios retrieved from the old family house were drawings and paintings made by me in my early childhood. Even though my mother was an artist, you couldn't see from these pieces that I would eventually follow in my mother's artistic path. I suppose that I was about three at the time I did this study of octopus-like sea creatures. There's a bit of design that looks like a thumb at the bottom and maybe that's what it was. I got my ideas from all sorts of things, like children's books or TV (yes, there was plenty to watch back then) or other people's art. My mother was all enthusiastic about my attempts at art and she encouraged me even before I could read or write, and kept the results until they re-appeared, 60 years later.
"Ocean Creatures" is crayon and pen on red paper, 5 3/4" x 8 3/4", about 1956.
You did this in 56? I didn't think you were older than me. I was born in 56.