Friday, May 19, 2017

Three Graces of Wonder Woman

The "Three Graces" is an ancient theme used for art work since Greek classical times. It shows three lovely ladies holding hands, each one representing another virtue or good thing such as "Splendor," "Mirth," and "Good Cheer." When I was doing fan art for zines back in my earlier days my clients had me illustrate an article about the evolution of Wonder Woman. When the character was first created she had a bit of "Wild West show" about her with her lasso and a ruffled skirt. Other later costumes from the fifties showed her in circus garb or a shiny bustier. Wonder Woman continues to evolve and is now about to appear in yet another superhero movie though the costume is quite different from the old styles. I illustrated Wonder Woman's changes by showing her as a triple version of herself (but not "Triplicate Girl") and I made her into the classical Three Graces.

Original art is black ink on illustration board, 5 1/2" x 6", summer 1980.

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