Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Alien Eclipse

My records show that I blogged this image some years ago, but I can't find it on the blog post entry list so here it is again. This is from the era when I was still doing Geometrika with paint. Here are my favorite blues and purple, with a swath of space adding depth. In keeping with the eclipse theme, the shadow moon form crosses into the metallic gold sun. The little red square with beady eyes is an alien being observing the eclipse. I wanted to know just how simple a design could be and still convey the idea of a life form. Two beady eyes will make just a bright square look alive. 

I saw the eclipse or rather its effects while I was getting routine dental work done. During the darkest of our partial eclipse shadow all of us in the dentist's office ran out to see the world turn an unnatural blue, though the sun was covered by clouds. In a moment when the clouds thinned we could see the half-Sun. Then the big puffy cumulonimbus clouds returned and drenched the town to our east, though no rain fell at the office. But my teeth are now fresh and shiny.

"Alien Eclipse" is 7" x 10", acrylic on illustration board, October 2009.


  1. Cool. I love these geometric pictures. And I got to see the real eclipse. It was fantastic.
