Thursday, August 31, 2017

More Crockery

Here's more crockery from the "Rose Room." All of it is cream-colored china with dark red patterns all over it. When I first stayed in the Rose Room the hosts had a whole tea set of that material on the cupboard top but it was chipped and cracked and probably fell apart or got smashed since I haven't seen it recently. The guests at the inn are all well-behaved but you never know what can happen. Crockery arranged in a "still life" is a classic art thing but it is missing an essential element, that is fruits and vegetables. I've painted pictures of those things, too. Cezanne got good mileage out of apples and peaches along with the crock and crumpled-up fabric but if I depicted that subject more than once the boredom factor would be high and I'd have to add a bottle of wine to the still life to make it lively life.

5 more posts till # 3000!

Black tech pen ink on sketchbook page, about 4" x 3", August 28, 2017.

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