Thursday, August 3, 2017

Retro Fan Art

Ever since I got back from Massachusetts I've felt tired and dragged out, even though I've been back for two weeks now. The air conditioner which was repaired last week is working fine now. I know I'm supposed to be doing art but instead I've been aimlessly wandering around my home trying to make sense of all the new deposits of clutter brought back from the old residences. And my car is still loaded with more stuff too heavy for me to lift by myself. Heard this before? So if you see old fan art on this Blog please excuse my failure to deliver fresh stuff. This ominous scene is from a Darkover fan story in which Danilo, a favorite character, interviews with the notorious nobleman Dyan Ardais for a position at court.

Black ink on illustration board, 7" x 5", March 1983.

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