Sunday, September 24, 2017
The view from Delphi, 1975
This is one of the most famous scenic views in the world. It is the view from the Temple of Apollo at Delphi, where the Prophetess uttered the Apollonian truth about what was to come. I was on a bus tour of Greek antiquities and I had enough time after the informative lecture to sketch the scene in watercolor pencil. Later that night I was able to complete the picture in watercolor from my field set. At least that is what I vaguely remember doing; it was a long time ago. The colors of the real scene are more vivid than what I painted then, especially the purple and blue mountains glowing in the sunset. The little green bushes all over the red hillside are "Euphorbia," a drought-tolerant Mediterranean plant.
This painting is specifically dated "August 25, 1975" and if you look closely, in the lower right corner is the embossed logo of Fabriano Paper Company of Italy.
Watercolor on Fabriano paper, 12" x 9", August 25, 1975.
Much as I love the Geometrikons, your watercolours are just fantastic. And I love Greece, so... this is a winner.