Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Vineyard Landscape, Early Autumn

Around this time of year the landscape is drenched in a brilliant green gold, not the neon green of Spring leaves but the yellow tinge of plants shutting down for the season. At Winding Road Cellars winery, some of the grapes are still on the vines ready for picking. I have been documenting the growth of this vine patch since it was planted in 2013. I've seen it grow from little twigs to the lush plants you see here. In the winter time the leaves will be gone and with it, the autumn gold.

Some colored pencils have a thick wax composition, such as Prismacolor and Derwent Coloursoft. It's almost like painting a little oil painting, with blending on the painting surface. In this scene, done from a photograph with lots of imagination, I can experiment with a "looser" style rather than the precise renderings I usually make. 

Colored pencil on sketchbook page, some post-sketch color work in Photoshop, 7" x 3", September 2017.

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