Friday, October 13, 2017

Macho Guardsman

This burly type is an illustration for a Renaissance-styled game I worked on in the early 2000s. I adapted him from an old engraving from that European era. I don't know how the guardsman fits into the game, but it would be sad to have him show up and fight just once before he succumbs to the deadly force of our players. "What if the guardsmen win and they slay most of our party leaving but a couple of survivors running away without the treasure...?" That would be a crappy game if that's all that happened. So this poor soul can look great but has to go down in a minor melee. Artist's confession: I've never played any game that I have illustrated.

Black ink on illustration board, 5 1/2" x 7", early 2003.

1 comment:

  1. Good one! And those games are a waste of--Well, no, they have a function in the lives of the people who play them and it's my theory that gaming has replaced men's societies named after animals, a social construct that goes back to hunter-gatherer days. There just aren't as many Lions and Elks as there used to be, not to mention Masons. The young men are all in their rooms playing computer games--formerly it was D&D-like games, which at least got them out of the house. I think they join associations online and that fulfills the masculine need for secret societies. This would explain the hostility toward women gamers.
