Friday, December 29, 2017

Smithsonian Commons Neo-Medieval

And here we haveth the neo-medieval interior court of the Smithsonian Institution's Castle, which is on the Mall in Washington, DC. It seems as if I found myself there, for reasons I have no remembrance. This space is hired out for events and also used as a restaurant. It would make a good location for a Society for Creative Anachronism event, and maybe they've already used it. I haven't been to the Smithsonian in years, and getting there is more difficult than it used to be now that the Washington Metro is under repairs. If I had heaps of dough I'd just take a taxi there, but if you saw how much it costs to get from the urbsubs to center DC city, you'd faint.

Sepia brown ink on sketchbook page, 4 1/2" x 5", January 1, 2001 (01/01/01).

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