Saturday, December 23, 2017


Caffe Amouri in Vienna, Virginia is a hipster haven that makes you feel like your better days at college were still around. The coffee is superior and packs a caffeine wallop as well. On December 22 the place was packed with young damsels and swains as well as myself and my friends gabbing about crafting work. While sipping a warm drink I drew the Steampunk-esque details of Amouri's coffee roaster. They call it "torrefazione" in Italia (tor-e-fats-ee-o-nay for the un-Italianated). That means "roasting" and in the old country they toast the beans right on site so that the lovely aroma of coffee will drift into the street and attract customers. The machine at Amouri was not active while we were there but the owner explained some of its operation.

Sepia brown tech pen ink on sketchbook page, 5" x 5 1/2", December 22, 2017.

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