Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Beach Gent 1974

This little portrait is from my 1974 sketchbook, where I documented family visits to the beach on Cape Cod. The gentleman depicted is not connected to my family; he is just there in my view. I was trying different media in my sketchbook, types I have not used again since. This one is drawn with a thin sepia brown tech pen, over a drawing in watercolor pencil. After I finished the drawing, I wet down the watercolor pencil and made it look like watercolor. When it was all dry, I added details back in with more tech pen and colored pencil. Quite a complex multi-stage process for just a sketchbook bit, which is why I didn't use a lot of watercolor in my later sketches.

Tech pen brown, watercolor pencils, colored pencil on sketchbook page, 4 1/2" x 4", August 1974.

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