Sunday, March 4, 2018


I missed a By-Product due to a power failure on March 3. "Winter Storm Riley" sure made a lot of noise and wrecked a lot of trees, including one big one on a street near my dwelling. I watched it go down and it took a utility pole with it including a transformer which emitted a flash of light as it crashed. The repairmen were there all Saturday clearing the road and restoring power. I am so grateful that I live in a relatively well-cared-for place as I see online the degradation and disintegration of other areas. Lots of places in Puerto Rico wrecked by a hurricane still don't have power after months. But hey, this is an art blog and I am not going to get socially conscious here.

The image here depicts a flock of Altocumulus clouds drifting into a late winter sky. Spring, the shepherdess of clouds, is on her way.

Colored pencils and marker ink on sketchbook page, 5" x 3", March 4, 2018.

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