Saturday, March 10, 2018

Pretty Castle

When I was still doing the convention circuit I would make an "edition" of small originals to sell there. They were no bigger than 7" x 10" and would be mostly watercolor and ink. Since I like to depict architecture, I would usually do an architectural theme although costumed people or horses and knights were another favorite. These little pix took only a small amount of time to do and always sold to collectors. I tried to make them as pretty as possible, especially castles, and I left the monsters and the fantasy pin-up babes to other artists. This, titled "Dawn Ramparts," is one that I did for a show called "Magic Carpet Con" in north Georgia (USA) where Marion Zimmer Bradley was the guest of honor. So I did "Darkover-ish" art and did well with the collectors down south. The convention faded away after the passing of Marion, but the images remain.

Watercolor on illustration board, 7" x 10", April 1995.

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