Thursday, March 22, 2018

Winter On the Equinox

On the first day of Spring, the Persian New Year, it snowed here in my local area and over the American Northeast. Here there wasn't much snow, only a few inches, but it stuck to the tree branches and ground, confusing robins looking for worms. It was quite decorative as long as you didn't have to go out in it. 

This winter scene, which looks abstract, is viewed out my window. I used my rare and artistical-mystical grey colored pencils for most of this. I have spent quite a while making a sample color chart to give me a guide to the many shades of gray. I wanted to show this chart here on the By-Product but I got into some sort of file labeling problem and it wouldn't upload. I'll try again in a while.

"Winter Forest" is colored pencils, 4" x 4 1/2", March 21, 2018.

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