Thursday, April 12, 2018

Brandeis Twigs 1975

I found my sketch/daybook journal from 1975. This was the year I graduated from Brandeis University. This twiggy scene is the view from my dorm room. It is mid-April and there are buds on the twigs but no leaves at all. Behind all the twigs is a crenellated stone wall which is part of the famous "Castle," one of the very few buildings left from before the university campus was built. The "Castle" has been a classroom building, a dormitory, the site of "Cholmondeley's Coffee Shop," and a landmark. A large controversy erupted because Brandeis wanted to remove part or all of the Castle claiming it didn't meet current building codes. The Castle is "iconic" and the last link to the individualists and arty culture of the "old" Brandeis rather than the slick corporate university it has become in the last decades

You can read about this project here. I didn't live in the Castle, but near it.

It's kind of frustrating to see my illustrations and sketches from 43 years ago and see that they are more or less as well done as the ones I do now. I keep going anyway. I only got to draw small portions of the Castle. Most of it is gone now.

Ink and watercolor on sketchbook page, 5 1/2" x 5", April 1975.

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