Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Spring Buds at Brandeis

The buds are out at Brandeis University. Not that kind of bud, though there was plenty of wafting smoke to be had, and I never used a single wisp of it. These are tree buds, again done looking out my narrow tall neo-medieval dormitory window. They are all ready to leaf out and bloom. And behind the trees is the famous Castle, now demolished and intended for re-building. To think of all the things that didn't exist when I went to college...including the entire Harry Potter mythos and characters. When I did this image in my art/writing journal, I was already preparing to spend a year overseas for a traveling fellowship. I have it on good authority that Rome still exists, though I'm not sure about the rest of Europe or the British Isles.

Ink and watercolor on sketchbook page, 4 1/2" x 5 1/2", early May 1975.

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