Saturday, May 19, 2018

Perspective Fantasy

This is more "sketchy" than I usually make them but the subject matter is huge and I couldn't fit all the details in. This is a study of the interior of my greatest fantasy building, the Great Library of Eridu. Situated in an other-dimensional Mesopotamia, the Library preserves all the remaining knowledge of the human and Noantri peoples who colonized New Earth. It's a major attraction to visitors and a center of political power as well. 

Tech pen on sketchbook page, 4" x 10", late 1990s.

1 comment:

  1. This I want to visit, and not just for the books. The architecture is fantastic. It reminds me (superior, though) to the great concourse in Jester Center, a huge dorm at UT. It was cathedral-sized and pretty much useless, but grand, and I loved it.
