Sunday, June 10, 2018

Sacramento Street Cambridge 1984 Again

I love doing architectural portraits like this one. This house is one of many late 19th - early 20th century buildings in my old neighborhood near Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass., on "Sacramento Street." I have no idea why a street in Cambridge would be named after a city in California, but why not. In the 1980s I did many such pictures most of which have already graced the pages of this Blog. When I moved to Northern Virginia I didn't have the opportunity or the logistic ability to draw in residential neighborhoods. And for these reasons also it became too difficult to draw on a city street. Wineries have given me another sketching opportunity though very few of the wineries have older architecture. Even so the wine lodges are built in a traditional form so I get to draw a porch anyway.

Brown ink and watercolor on sketchbook page, 5" x 8", June 20, 1984.

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