Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Chaotic Webula

During the 1980s and 1990s I produced what seems now like hundreds of small space pictures painted in acrylic with airbrush spray. I did them in "editions," ten or more at a time, all the same size, using bright color schemes and spatter effects to simulate stars. I painted in nebulas, moons, spaceships, and other features with an old-fashioned paintbrush. I was inspired by views through the telescopes of that era. Nowadays the Hubble Space Telescope and other super-high resolution searchers on mountaintops have brought us images in far more detail than my spray-painted little scenes could depict. This nebula piece shows a tangled network of swirling threads of gas, which is fairly accurate in the astronomical world as the Hubble was already in action.

"Chaotic Web" is acrylic on black illustration board, 10" x 7", January 1998. Click for a larger view.

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