Sunday, September 16, 2018

Coffee Table Diligence

You can never draw too many coffee house people. Everyone draws them a little differently. My take on the subject involves geometric forms arrayed in perspective. The drink cup in the foreground is not mine. I found it on the table so I just left it there for art composition purposes. The young lady at the computer didn't know she was being depicted. At one point she popped up out of her chair and rushed out of the room, leaving her computer unattended for quite a while. That shows either trust in a society where someone would not immediately snatch or vandalize an unattended computer..., or foolishness regarding computer security. I didn't touch  it, just drew background until she came back.

Sepia brown tech pen on sketchbook page, 4 1/2" x 5 1/2", September 15, 2018.

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