Saturday, September 22, 2018

Mediterranean Hillside

Back in the old days of my youth, that is the 1960s, my family had rich friends who were super-kind to us and invited us to stay with them in their fancy New York apartment and their summer resort in Italy. The Italian resort was situated on a hillside by the Mediterranean and the luxury was unforgettable. You could dine day or night on a terrace looking over this lovely view. Naturally I had my sketchbook and my colored pencils with me and I drew this view of the hillside. I didn't capture it all because at the time I was drawing, the hillside was covered with mist which obscured much of the terrain.

I waited until the mist had dissipated and then made another, more complete drawing. 

Both these drawings have had digital restoration done for them especially this lower one as the colors of sky and vegetation had faded. The resort still exists and is still in operation... I wish I could go back there. 

Both drawings colored pencil, about 8 1/2" x 4", dated June 27, 1969, 2:30 PM.

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