Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Pantheon Interior

This is the companion drawing to yesterday's grand column. Countless artists have depicted the interior of the Pantheon, and a similarly countless number of civic architects have incorporated the Pantheon's interior into government and public arts buildings. The interior of the U.S. Capitol looks a lot like this one. Over the millennia the lavish bronze and marble interior has been replaced and the edifice has been repaired many times. The building survived because it was re-dedicated to Christianity rather than the paganism that inspired the Pantheon. 

I sat on an interior stone slab to draw this, and it took me more than two hours to draw just this small sketch. Some Pantheon views distort the interior so that it looks like it was done with a "fish-eye" lens. I decided not to draw the majestic coffered dome and concentrate on the lower levels, which gave me a more "realistic" view. There are Catholic Christian paintings and decorations on the lower walls but they are hard to see.

Pelikan "Special Brown" ink in Rapidograph tech pen, 9" x 7", spring 1976. Recommended click on image to see detail.

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