Thursday, September 27, 2018

Venezia 1976

This drawing is not well-preserved, but it is the only drawing I made in Venice as I was making my way up towards Central Europe. I was on the way to Salzburg, Austria for a convention-style meeting of fellowship holders, of which I was one. Each year the IBM-sponsored Watson Fellowship financed the way of a few dozen lucky American college graduates on their travels, and that was how I managed my voyages. 

The location is out the window of a bed-and-breakfast on the Grand Canal. I drew it using a rather light, hard pencil on textured watercolor paper so I didn't get a good solid drawing. However I did all right with the architecture, which is my specialty. You can see what I think are the frameworks for vendors' stands on the piazza at the canal bank.

I did daring travels in that fellowship year that I would never do today. The world is a different place and I don't have a grant. I still have most of the drawings and watercolors.

Pencil on watercolor paper, 7" x 9", spring 1976.

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