Saturday, October 13, 2018

Aurelia in action

Aurelia, in a gesture of monastic asceticism, had her long aristocratic hair cut off. Thenceforth she wore a hood and a Sister's robe. The haircut was a shocking and defiant act in ancient society. Here are four trial sketches of Aurelia in motion and in her religious garb. I have been reading a fascinating book about ancient Rome and early Byzantine society and politics. This book, "428 AD," by Italian scholar Giusto Traina, would have been a great help to me back when I was trying to write Aurelia's story. I am fascinated by the early Byzantine period (350-600 AD) a time a lot like ours of constant ethnic and religious conflict under a decaying Empire.

Sepia ink Graphos pen on sketchbook page, 5 1/2" x 8 1/2", 1974.

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