Saturday, November 17, 2018

20 Years ago Today: Bookstore conversation

In 1998, the Internet didn't dominate our lives. Only geeky people had it, where they discussed their own little thoughts in their own little cyberworld. There was such a thing as books, bound sheafs of paper which were sold in bookstores like the one depicted above. Now, when every nutcase, conspiracy theory fan, moron, hater, and politician has access to the cyberworld, there are still books but who reads them? City dwellers in their teeming moderate multitudes, I guess, that is, people like me. Here are two guys having a conversation in a Borders Bookstore that is long gone. Perhaps the guys are, too. 

Black tech pen on sketchbook page, 8 1/2" x 6 1/2", November 16, 1998.

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