Friday, November 9, 2018

Another page for 50 West

I wanted this composition to look like watercolor, though I haven't used watercolor in any of my on-site winery sketches. The blue border is added on in Photoshop, as is the blend into grassy tan. I am thinking of getting a new iPad to do on-site sketching, as my current version is kind of unworkable due to obsolescence. One of my problems with that, though, is that there is no Photoshop for the iPad so I'd have to use a whole new system designed for iPad such as "Procreate" or "Autodesk." Another problem with the iPad is that the screen is very shiny and reflects the sky if you are outdoors. My Cintiq, currently dormant on my studio table, needs an upgrade. I've never used it outdoors or on site due to some of the same problems as with iPad, also the Cintiq is rather heavy. Well rather than ramble on about this I might as well try it again since it runs Photoshop. OK you can wake up now.

Photoshop composite, November 2018.

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