Thursday, November 1, 2018

Disappointing Vines

I am feeling disappointed this November. I have been working very hard on creating the images and text for "Virginia Under Vine" as you can see from the last month's postings here. But I have come to the realization that I will have to delay the release to spring of next year as I simply do not have enough material to make a decent-sized book. Also, I was hoping to work on it all summer but my surgery and hospital stay took two months out of my life. I need to make more art. Since this involves going to wineries, that isn't such a burden though the logistics are always somewhat difficult. I also want to do more interviewing with the winemakers for the text pages. I wouldn't feel right rushing to release. I'll assemble the ones I already have and see what I can do when. You've already seen the drawing above, it's suitably "seasonal" but it is dated 2014 which feels like an age ago.

Ink, colored by Photoshop, October 12, 2014.

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