Saturday, January 5, 2019

20 Years Ago Media Center

It looks rather like a city but it's not, it's the media center in my living room in December of 1998. You can see a panorama of 1990s media technology, from the chunky TV to the cassettes, CDs, and CD player and a few VHS video tapes. There are also two coffee makers, left of the TV, and a collection of vintage vinyl and a non-functioning turntable. The cat is not a real cat, it is a cloth toy as is the googly soft toy at left. 

This scene is no longer as it was. There is a tall bookcase now at the wall corner. The TV is still there but I never watch it except for important sporting events like the World Series. But also, this mediaplex was drawn just as What Changed Everything came into existence: Google, founded September 1998.

Black tech pen on sketchbook page, 8" x 6", December 23, 1998. 

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