Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Cacti Winter Garden

Here are some of my cacti kept indoors under a intense white grow light. Some of them are trying to escape, others have assumed rude forms in an attempt to amuse me (and you). There is also a disadvantaged geranium kept in what amounts to "bonsai" conditions. When summer comes these plants are moved out to my terrace, where conditions aren't much better due to dryness and blazing sun. I can buy cacti at the garden center in miniature pots and sometimes these introduced plants do just fine. But some of these I grew from seed. I hope to be working on these plants in the new year replacing what perishes and maybe growing more from seed. I am not spineless.

Black tech pen (Micron) on sketchbook page, 3 1/2" x 3", January 21, 2019.

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