Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Knitting at the New Year's Party

Every year at year's end I go to a party hosted by my Metro-DC area science fiction fans. The food is great and I always enjoy seeing friends since I hardly ever have the opportunity to meet them face to face. This knitting lady was not someone I knew but since I had my sketchbook with me I drew her. You're allowed to knit at a party if you get bored by talk you don't recognize, just as I'm allowed to sketch. In the background a liquefied spotted cat dozes on the "cat tree." The basket below has been emptied of potato chips. The round discs are not  data CD's; they're coasters for drinks. Ringing in 2019 I sure hope it's better than 2018 but it's not worth it to me to look ahead.

Sepia brown tech pen on sketchbook page, 5" x 7", December 2018.

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