Thursday, February 14, 2019

Balticon Pirate Costumer

I haven't been at Balticon for years now, ever since they moved it into the city where there is no room to move my artworks. But in the older days when it was in the suburbs, I would go and have a great time hanging out with my friends and watching the costumers. They were glad to have me sketch them and I have lots of them dating back to the 90s or even earlier. I just love drawing fashion and costume and I never get enough, except in the coffee shops. 

This swashbuckling young man was named Ian Blanton and he was living in Boston at the time, working as a computer operator (my comment: of course!). I wonder what became of him. 1990 was a long time ago.

Black tech pen on sketchbook page, 5" x 8", April 14, 1990. 

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