Sunday, February 10, 2019

Digging out the cars

Here in February we haven't had too much snow. Back in earlier Februaries we were buried in snow on many occasions, including this one. What was called the "Great Blizzard of 2003" was no greater than the later February's "Snowmageddon" in 2010. There's plenty of time for more snow and I hate every flake of it. In this drawing I depict my neighbors digging their cars out from the drifts. I am on the second floor with my sketchbook not helping them or digging my car out, since I don't need it as I work on my art at home. The neighbors finally persuaded me to free my car so that the piled snow could be removed. You can see how much snow fell by the thickness of the slab on the roof of my old Honda CRV.

Black tech pen on sketchbook page, 4 1/2" x 5", February 18, 2003.

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