Sunday, February 17, 2019

Motherhood for Fans

Not many of my friends have children. There are two notable exceptions including this mom here, depicted nursing her baby all cozy in bed. You can see the baby's head in the center. She went on to have a sister for this one and as I said a few postings before, this girl here is all grown up. 

Most of my friends are science fiction fans and it was fun making up fannish analogies for all the events of reproduction and motherhood. But why so few children? Certainly I have never had any desire to breed. For the others, even if they were married, there were good reasons why, I think. Sometimes the would-be parents simply couldn't afford to raise a kid on a low or irregular income. That's one reason why my own parents only had one of me. Other folks were hindered by chronic physical conditions. And even more had intense jobs which took up their time and money and required frequent travel. 

One of the cruel things about our society even here in "modern" America is that childless married adults get pestered, even harassed by parents or relatives about not having children. It is an archaic notion that still persists and insensitive kin think they should automatically have kids. My experience with my child-free friends is that they make their own choices and it is none of anyone else's business. However, motherhood does make for sweet pictures.

Black tech pen on sketchbook page, 5" x 4 1/2", March 18, 1990.

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