Friday, March 8, 2019

Artist as Model

This practical-looking dame on the sofa is my mother's best friend and fellow artist. Her name was Cleo and my mom and she had been friends, at the time of the drawing here, for over fifty years. We were at a regular drawing group session when I drew this. Every so often the art model does not show up so when this  happened we ended up posing for each other (with clothes on.). The original drawing here was rather faint as it was done using a hard drawing pencil with a light line. But a bit of Photoshop improves things greatly. It can even turn back the clock. I was 19 when I drew this and Cleo was in her 50s. Cleo died last year at the age of 98.

Pencil on sketchbook page, 5" x 7", autumn 1972.

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