Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Eternal Sparkling Water

I consume a lot of sparkling water. I like it plain with no flavorings, just bubbles. I got my taste for this when I lived in Italy and sampled the mineral waters in every town I visited. In the USA I relied on Poland Spring for many years but then the supply, so to speak, dried up and was no longer sold here in MidAtlantica. Club soda and other sparklers don't cut it because they have sodium added. Just recently I discovered a brand of sparkling water that is just as nice as my old Poland but is twice as expensive. The new brand, sold at CVS, is "Eternal" and its marketing is probably worth that extra dollar. "Eternal" comes from the Shasta Trinity Alps in California (where the Secret Masters live) and has a dormant volcano on its label and is sodium-free. The bottle is pretty and it evokes, well, an eternity of the water of life sparkling in the heavenly sky. The water is as eternal as I might want, as every molecule of this cosmic H2O will pass through the systems of Earth and eventually dry away into the waning Universe until its atoms decay into the void. So drink up, and be eternal. Just don't take a bite of that apple lurking in the darkness....

Black tech pen on sketchbook page, some Photoshop white-out, 3" x 5", March 18, 2019.

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