Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Good Habit

I was already seriously into Catholicism in my first year at Brandeis, 1971. I joined the only Catholic special interest group at the Jewish school, and made many friends including the Catholic chaplain, who was bemused by me and my behavior. It would be difficult for him if a Brandeisian of Jewish background converted to Catholic Christianity! But lots of professional Catholics - priests, Sisters, monks, Jesuits, theologians visited our group and gave talks. This robed Friar was a Franciscan who was one of the visitors. He was in seminary, not a priest yet, but he had his official brown Franciscan Friar robe which he brought to show us - at my request, my being such a costume and garb fan. He said his group didn't wear the robe all the time, usually they just wore ordinary clothes. But he put on the habit long enough for me to draw his portrait. I wonder what became of him.

Colored pencil on sketchbook page, 5" x 8", autumn 1971. Click for larger view.

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