Friday, March 22, 2019

My Mother's Studio

My mother Esther Geller was an artist, which is why I am an artist. She taught me most of what I know about making art, all the technical material you learn in art school. She taught me about art materials, color, composition, texture, drawing, and essential things about managing your art space. The drawing above is of my mother's art studio in Natick, Massachusetts where she worked from 1990 to 2001. I found the geometries of the items in the space to be fascinating. You can see framed and wall-mounted finished art pieces, salvaged metal desks, a door opening to a storage space, and a bin full of mounted prints. A big picture hangs on the wall. I spent many hours in my mother's studio over the years, learning about art just by being there.

Black tech pen on sketchbook page, 5" x 8", December 29, 1997.

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