Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Another Life Model View

Here's another art school sketch of the model you saw a few postings ago. She really does have a left leg but it is hidden behind her as she is posing against a wall. I wish I could do life drawing again, even though it is kind of scary when you are there and wondering if your drawing will suck. My mother spent the last 30 years of her artistic life making chalk and pencil drawings of life models of all shapes and sizes, mostly women but a few males too. I was not as interested in it as my mother was, I prefer to draw buildings. They don't move when you draw them. The controversy about whether you can learn figure drawing from photographs never ends. I have countless books of figure photographs and studies and still haven't done enough figure drawing.

Pencil on sketchbook page, 3" x 7 1/2", 1972.

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