Monday, May 27, 2019

Fire From the Earth Logo

I wanted to create an image of an Element that would be easily recognizable and full of color. This is not the famous Zoroastrian fire in its temple glory, but a natural fire that is still under control. And it features my favorite colors (at least at this time). sky blue and orange. My chosen color combination used to be black, red, and emerald green, but that was a long, long time ago. It's also meant to signify the fire of baptism into the Roman Catholic faith, which was forty years ago for me. The new Catholic carries a little white candle, which I kept for many years after my baptism until it broke apart and I let it go. Not an allegory that; after forty years I am still a Catholic. I posted a short essay about this in ELECTRON BLUE 3, my word blog, which I am now reviving.

Marker drawing colored in Photoshop, about 4" x 4", May 2019.

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