Monday, July 22, 2019

High Summer Revisited

I'm "re-blogging" this from August 2018, which is not so long ago but it just seemed appropriate for today. This house is in downtown Falls Church, dating from perhaps the early 20th century. There is another house very similar to it which I can see out my window, flag post and all. Its neighbor is being re-built and I have been watching the elaborate process of building since the fall of 2017. It just evokes a perfect summer day, well it was a bit hot at 99 degrees but then the thundery rains came and cooled things off. The drawing was made on site on July 21, 1998, allowing me to revisit reality through a little drawing in my lavishly illustrated 1998 sketchbook journal.

Ink and colored pencils on sketchbook page, 5" x 5", July 21, 1998.

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