Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Corelli Characters Image Cover 1978

I created this rather garish piece in the hopes of getting it published as the cover art for a new reprint of Corelli's "Ardath." I depicted the main characters, the two twin-like male lovers and the snake-handling evil Priestess. The top is blank so that the title would go there. But 1889 wasn't good enough, and I never sold the painting. I am not sure where it is, it might even still be in my own collection. In the background you can see the long-bearded Prophet who bursts into various scenes prophesying (truthfully) the destruction of the wicked City in a righteously deserved volcanic eruption. 

Acrylic on heavy cardboard, extensively restored in Photoshop, 10" x 18", summer 1978. Click for larger view.

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