Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Radiant Doodle

The computer is giving me trouble again, or perhaps I am giving it trouble. I wanted a simple design aligned toward a central point, so here it is. I managed to post it even though I must have pressed the wrong button and the row of icons that launches apps on the bottom row has disappeared. It could have just been some damn random hand move that hit the wrong key but I won't lose more time about it unless it really starts falling apart. I like the "tropical" colors of the top half and I'm waiting for some thundery rains to be summer-like. I am actually doing Meaningful Activity this summer, that is, art, reading real paper books, and producing "Under Vine" which I am putting in order, almost ready to start business with the printers.

Marker drawing colored in Photoshop, 3 1/2" x 3", August 2019.

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