Sunday, August 4, 2019

Summer Fantasy 2019 Re-mix

Here is my recent modernist study done up in a conventional non-digital "re-mix" using watercolor markers and colored pencils. The dark gold streamers are done with metallic colored pencil and ink design overlay. I used copper and gold metallic pencil but it just didn't come out shiny enough in the scan, hence my simulation in digital medium in the original posting of this piece. With digital re-mixing you can "fix" what you don't like in a piece but is that "cheating." That question is still being argued about by artists as soon as a new medium appears.

Markers and colored pencil, 5 1/2" x 3 1/4", August 2019.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think remixing is cheating. If you're happy with how it turned out, why should it matter how it was done? People who insist something has to be done one way and one way only are narrow-minded snobs. Ignore them.
