Saturday, September 14, 2019

Bearded Art Gentleman 1975

My mother's life drawing group had only one or two males in it. As in all live model sessions, we drew each other as well as our model. This gentleman was Peter Plumb, a local artist and a regular participant. I drew his portrait here and for all I know my face is drawn in his sketchbook too. It is easier to draw a bearded face because beard is easier to draw than chin. Peter had an interesting background. Though not a rider himself, he came from a family of equestrians and his brother, Mike Plumb, was an Olympic horseman and renowned throughout the equestrian world.

Peter loved the color purple and he collected purple things. One time we asked him, is EVERYTHING you have purple? How about your underwear? At which he pulled his pants down and sure enough there it was, Plum purple undies.

Pencil on sketchbook page, 3" x 4", 1975.

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