Saturday, September 28, 2019

Hall of Two Thousand Columns

Back in CorelliWorld, the author invented an impossibly grandiose architecture scheme for her  imperial palace. This is the "Hall of Two Thousand Columns," inspired by the tall columns at the ruins of the ancient palace of Persepolis as well as any number of neoclassic fantasies of 19th century official buildings. That's a lot of space to cover and I suspect that Corelli's two thousand were an astonished exaggeration by a breathless visitor. It's imaginary anyway. I had recently returned from Rome where there are more columns than people. At the end of the long hall with all the columns is King Zephoranim on his throne. 

This mini picture is yet another study for the adaptation that never materialized. I hope you don't mind seeing my sketches from 1976. I want to preserve them in digital transmortality.

Super weentsy 4-0 Rapidograph tech pen with red-brown ink, 5" x 4", 1976.

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