Sunday, October 6, 2019

Friar Charles 1972

In a previous posting I described my explorations of Catholicism at college. I also showed images of some of the people who  came there to give talks. This guy, Friar Charles, was one of the guests. He was an honest-to-God Franciscan, and brought his habit or brown uniform robe with him. I just had to draw his portrait so here it is. A Franciscan is supposed to follow the example of Saint Francis and live a life of intentional poverty, simplicity, and service. Posing in uniform for a college artist counts.

Two days ago was Saint Francis' Day, so I'm a little late in posting but I guess that's OK, I honor him anyway. For more about Saint Francis and his ideals, read some of the saint's stories in "The Little Flowers of Saint Francis."

Pencil on sketchbook page, about 5 1/2" x 7 1/2", March 12, 1972.

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