Sunday, October 27, 2019

R.I.P. Sharon Henderson, OSM

I interrupt this Blog to pay tribute to my friend Sharon Henderson of the Order of Saint Michael (OSM), who passed away this Saturday, October 26. I have known Sharon for forty years, after meeting her in the fantasy fan convention world of the Boston area. She wrote many works of fantasy and fan fiction and was active among the literary circle of author Katherine Kurtz. Sharon was a historian of many eras and wrote non fiction as well.

She was a friend in my religious life and a patron in my artistic life. She owns many of my art works, some of which she commissioned. She was multi-talented, able to do fiber crafts, design, medieval re-enactment, sewing and singing. She loved animals and always had cats with her, and she also had a horse companion, "Jasper."

She became a priest in the Celtic Catholic Church and often ministered to her fellow Michaelines as well as other people in need. She was the devoted wife of Jim and the equally devoted mother of Brian.

There's so much more I could say about her but I'll leave it to other Michaelines to provide it. The photo above was taken in 2005 at one of our group retreats.

Goodbye, fellow Michaeline.

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